D.Loyer, “THE BOOK CLUB,” 2018, 48″ x 48″, Oil on Canvas  

The members of the book club look to each other for comfort, support and to share stories. All are equals in this composition as they are in the club itself.



D. Loyer, “SATURDAY AT THE MARKET,” 2019, 24″ X 36″, Oil on Canvas

The early morning sunlight changes quickly around the open marketplace while people of all cultures mingle together amiably to purchase their fresh food.



D. Loyer, “LIFE’S SURPRISES,” 2019, 48″ X 30″X 6″, Metal, Oil on Canvas

Sometimes we are surprised by the sudden events that spring upon us both good and bad and we are left to deal with them as best we can. Here you play witness to one of those events behind a couple sitting in front of you.



D. Loyer, “NEXT GENERATION,” 2019, 48″ X 30″X 6″, Metal, Oil on Canvas

Sometimes an older family member communicates with a younger member about their knowledge of family members that they knew when they were young. Even when this person dies, the younger member carries the family history onward.


D. Loyer, “FUN IS FREE. THE FEAR COSTS EXTRA,” 2020, 36″ X 48″X 6.5″, Paper Mache, Oil on Canvas

The space between the ‘fun’ and ‘fear’ is what I find interesting. Why do we challenge ourselves with these activities with such conflicting emotional extremes? Do we find that we feel more alive from this experience?


D. Loyer, “WRINKLES GROW ON YOU,” 2020, 24″ X 70″X 24″, Laminated Wood

As I grow older, I can see the wrinkles grow on me but I am unconcerned. The wrinkles are placed into a positive context because they also represent knowledge, experience, and many positive qualities that we should celebrate.